Begin With A Beginning

At the close of this Christmas Day, I feel called to a new adventure.  Not really one of epic proportions or earth shattering changes (as often announced on FB).  Rather one of a journey to try new things. 

Honestly, I am staring the big 6-0 in the face and I  realize I probably only have 10 "good" years left, if I am lucky.  That's if God doesn't have something earlier in mind.  Visiting with friends and relatives over these last few weeks, I see what they call traditions is really the path of least resistance.   One of convenience, of safety.  Where we go places, do things, eat things, buy things that are safe and, supposedly, least amount of stress.  Is this all I have to look forward to?  The same ol', same ol?  

Today, I still have a choice and I choose differently.  My goal (that I hate to say aloud because I know God has a huge sense of humor and this plan could definitely go south in a blink of an eye) is to try at least new thing every day for one year.  It could be as simple as wearing something different or going a different route.  It could be as complex as...oh, I don't know, rock climbing.  Whatever it is, I want to chronicle it here.  Not to really share with others but to challenge myself.

Now, trust me.  Journaling is difficult for me.  I start off all gang busters and then fizzle out after a few days.  So, today, I count starting this blog as my new thing.  Let's see how long I can keep the fizzle at bay.  

Here, here to new adventures, large and small.  


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